Sudan - Omdurman

Southeast of Omdurman Al-Ahliyya University East of Sheikh Hamad al-Nil





The specialization in foreign languages ​(English: languages) is a specialization that aims to study a foreign language from the language of the people of the country

Administrative Sciences

Administrative sciences is a discipline that follows theoretical disciplines, meaning the study of sciences related to management and all its needs a


economics is a set of economic principles and principles that govern the economic activity of the Islamic state that are mentioned in the texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and which can be applied in accordance with the conditions of time and place.

Information Technology

Information (ITAA) is “the study, design, development, operation, support, or management of information systems.”

picture of Aburuf college

Tuition fees for Sudanese and foreign students 2021-2022

First: Bachelor’s program College Percentage of Sudanese foreigners Tuition fees (in pounds) Registration fees (in pounds) Tuition fees (in dollars) Registration fees (in dollars) 1 Medicine 80% 1,500,000 50,000 $ 7,500 $ 250 $ 2 Medicine and dental technology 80% 1,500. 60,000 60,000 7,500 $ 250 $ 3 Pharmacy 75% 850,000 50,000 5,000 $ 250 $ 4 Medical laboratory sciences 70%…

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Aburuf College

Introduction The first generations of Sudanese educated people, prior to independence, expanded The base of private public education within the framework of the enlightenment and national education movements and its consolidation For advanced concepts in the national participation to raise the sons of the Sudanese people, where the numbers graduated A large number of learners from private schools established by pioneers and loyal sons of the country. The honorable family of Sheikh Hamad Al-Nile - may God rest his soul - and his sons and grandchildren Great religious services for the sons of the Sudanese people, where they resided "Al-Khilawi" And the “Masidat” and contributed to the religious sectoral education during the “Institute” days religious” and their homes and mosques still light the torch of science and its light.

Mr. Osman Aburov - grandson of Sheikh Hamad Al-Nile - owner of Aburov Company Al-Alameya is a person who has been in contact with education and study from an early age and has obtained the best types of education Inside and outside Sudan, he holds a master's degree in law from England and owns businesses Commercial (translation office in Dubai) originally linked to the modern sectors of scientific services. and cultural ... and is looking forward to obtaining a PhD in translation in the near future from While attending the best universities in England.

College vision: Leadership in providing distinguished educational service, discreet scientific research and community service. college message Providing distinguished education through high-quality and advanced inputs that rely on innovation and creativity through contemporary educational curricula by keeping pace with modern technical developments. Conducting distinguished scientific research. Promote ethical and professional values ​in knowledge and action.